Time to focus on what’s critical

Time to focus on what’s critical
Associated Press / Matt Rourke

All things considered, it’s a pretty good timing sequence we have for the year’s election schedule. In one sense, it was good that the candidates were blessed with all the time they needed to get us hip as to who was who. (Come to think of it, though, there’s one joker about whom, the worst of the worst is what best appeals to him). But of greater importance, hardly ever is a general election not fully deserving of the interest we say it deserves.

The occasion of a new general election being topic one at this time clearly needs to be the big deal it’s proving to be. Just the possibility of the nation selecting its first female leader is heavy stuff. Hillary Clinton, despite the efforts of some to paint her otherwise, has shown herself to be good at holding her own. When her candidacy was announced, Clinton was given a ringing endorsement by the New York Times, which many a candidate would die for.

Clinton’s manner of dealing with her nemesis banging the drums is proving so far to be precisely what’s needed. She obviously is committed to sounding off consistently with matters that relate to common folk, rather than constantly attempting to make cheap shots, as is her competitor’s fancy. Because of which, it’s probably no surprise, that polls have been running the way we are told.

The effort made by Bernie Sanders, in his serious bid to earn the nomination, needs to be commended. The bottom line is that when Sanders realized that it was all over he responded with dignity, doing what he had promised should he not ultimately win. The issue now, of course, is for Sanders supporters to respond the way he does. We recall a former Sanders supporter, responding with much disgust to other Sanders folk who seemed determined to continue the beat after it was all over. There’s no reason for not believing Sanders when he says he’ll do everything possible to make sure his supporters do the right thing. Obviously, having some time as this plays out is something we’ll be watching.

But in this year’s election, there’s now a whole lot that concerns who is likely to get votes. The appearance this year of one candidate whose ability to run rings over less sophisticated folk, which has been well documented; is something of which we need to be constantly reminded.

It’s no secret. Those who sell and hope to reap benefits from fear, are the ones who, by whatever means, decent citizens get to make sure those plans become stymied.

As we gaze upon the valued landscape from which comes such diverse cities, we can be assured that a multiplicity of changes in behavior will always be part of the scene. We recall, for instance the example back in 2000 when candidate Ralph Nader saw it as good practice to ignore all that was being told to him, to the effect that his insistence on remaining in the presidential race in Florida was horrible and mean-spirited. And of course, it finally did in fact have a lot to do with George Bush winning the presidency that year. That’s how it goes.